1. Is the funding provided compatible with co-financing a project using public funds? (i.e: FEDER funds?)

As described in the section “Who can apply” of the document “AD-PL-11. ESA Phi-Lab NET Spain Open Call”, the applicants must declare that the work proposed under the submitted ESA Phi-Lab project is not being funded through other means (e.g. ESA R&D activities, ESA Business Incubation, ESA Business Applications, European Commission etc).”

2. Can the template from the first call be modified by changing the order of the sections?

No, the first open call template cannot be modified. Each section in the template includes a short description outlining the content it should cover, and the order or structure of the sections cannot be changed.

3. If the proposal has been submitted to another funding opportunity previously (not being selected), can it be resubmitted for the first open call?

Double funding of the same idea is not permitted. However, if the proposal has not received funding previously, it may be resubmitted, using the correct template for this specific call.

4. Can a company submit more than one proposal?

There are no restrictions on the number of proposals a single organization can submit. However, the team’s skills and availability must be aligned with the potential to win more than one project and deliver the work accordingly.

5. Which types of challenges, solutions, or topics are being funded?

The open call focuses on challenges that drive innovation for the commercialization of space technologies that enhance climate resilience. The project topics should contribute to climate resilience develop, adapting or using space technology (See the section “Research Focus at ESA Phi-Lab NET Spain” of the document “AD-PL-11. ESA PhiLab NET Spain Open Call”).

6. Does the consortium need to include more than one partner?

The consortium does not need to include more than one partner if the organization has all the necessary skills and capabilities in-house to complete the R&D project, with the support of the Phi-Lab. However, if any skills are missing, it is recommended to partner with a research institute, university, or commercial organization to build a stronger team.

7. What are the typical funding levels for projects supported by Phi-Lab NET Spain?

The Phi-Lab NET Spain will typically seed the projects at 3 different levels: €200.000, €300.000 or €400.000 per project (See the section “Budget and additional benefits” of the document “AD-PL-11. ESA PhiLab NET Spain Open Call”).

8. When is the submission deadline?

The first cutoff date is the 21st of January 2024.

9. Can subcontracting be conducted with national or not registered in Spain research centers?

There is no restriction to subcontract any entity from all ESA member states. In case of subcontracting an entity outside Spain, the proposed organisation must have benefit to the Phi-Lab NET Spain or Spain itself.

10. Is the part financed by Phi-Lab NET Spain linked to equity shares?

No, it is not. Phi-Lab NET Spain offers commercial contracts.

11. Is the distribution of the call’s budget evenly allocated across all cut-off dates?

No, the distribution will depend on the quantity and quality of the proposals received for each cut-off date (See the section “Budget and additional benefits” of the document “AD-PL-11. ESA PhiLab NET Spain Open Call”).

12. Do the consortium partners (subcontractors), apart from the lead organisation, need to provide details of their eligible costs?

Yes, the consortium partners need to describe all their eligible costs. For subcontracted services, the costs will be justified through an invoice (and described in the reports).

13. Are the projects submitted for local funding under the ‘Use Cases’ eligible for this first open call?

The ideas for the “Use cases” local funding are typically not R&D projects and, therefore, do not align with the objectives of this open call.

14. How can research organisations or universities be included in the consortium?

Universities and research institutions are in general considered subcontractors within the consortium. Work carried out by these subcontractors may be funded up to 100%, provided there is no further commercial interest in the product or service.
However, this funding cannot exceed 30% of the total allowable cost of the activity.

15. How are the milestone payments allocated?

There are three milestones associated with payments: preliminary progress, mid-term progress, final: upon successful final review.

16. Would the development of technologies such as optical communications or satellite attitude control systems be considered suitable ideas for tackling climate change?

Various technological developments can align with the goals of Phi-Lab NET Spain.
Each consortium must justify the connection between the technology and its potential to enhance climate resilience.

17. Does the connection to space need to be direct, or can it be indirect (e.g., climate models combined with satellite data)?

The connection to space can be direct or indirect, such as in the case of climate models combined with satellite data, as long as the technology is aligned with the goals of Phi-Lab NET Spain and contributes to climate resilience.

18. Is climate resilience more focused on climate change adaptation, or does it also involve post-disaster actions?

Project ideas can focus on both climate change adaptation and post-disaster actions.

19. Is the budget allocation determined by the size of the company?

Phi-Lab NET Spain typically funds projects at three levels: €200,000, €300,000, or €400,000, regardless of the company’s size, depending of the size of the projecte and its projection. However, the consortium must have the necessary skills and resources to successfully complete the project (See the section “Budget and additional benefits” of the document “AD-PL-11. ESA PhiLab NET Spain Open Call”). The budget of the company is not dependent to the size of the organisation but level of co-funding it does ( SMEs are 80% funded and large industries are 50% funded).

20. Is it necessary to justify staff costs with payslips or timesheets?

The project costs are associated with specific tasks. The project does not cover individual salaries; rather, it funds the costs related to their involvement in the tasks (See the section “Eligible Costs” of the document “AD-PL-11. ESA PhiLab NET Spain Open Call”).

21. Which are the eligible cost?

The eligible costs are described in the Open Call documentation. A brief summary is provided here: In order to be eligible, all project costs must meet specific criteria: they must be necessary for the execution of the project, incurred by the beneficiary and recorded in its accounts, and incurred within the contract term. Additionally, these costs must be outlined in the cost planning of the proposal and must exclude VAT, interest owed, or duties. Expenses related to the preparation and dispatch of the proposal are not eligible for reimbursement. The project may consider the following direct costs: staff costs, subcontracting costs, access to data sources or intellectual property, materials, equipment, facilities, as well as travel, subsistence, and accommodation costs.

22. Is travel to a conference an eligible cost?

It can be eligible if it is necessary for the execution of the project.